
The Many Hats Artists Wear – Part 4

Image from Pixabay

Following on from yesterday’s mini-blog, my job as an artist also involves following:

6. Teaching
Early on in my art career, I was advised to teach classes. I love teaching children and adults watercolour, cognitive drawing and embroidery, and always hope that advertised courses run. Unfortunately, between one-third and half of all my advertised classes have been cancelled due to a lack of enrolments. When I have a class, I really enjoy it, even if it means teaching until 9 pm followed by a 5 am wake up (which is hard for a night owl!). Even if a class does not go ahead, I have still prepared material, written notes, created samples and examples, etc.
So why don’t I teach online? I do not have a studio and work in the living room – filming is tricky when folk are around. Plus, I simply do not have time or knowledge to edit film. It would complicate an already frenetic schedule, and I am super introverted and filming myself is acutely uncomfortable.

Image from Pixabay

7. Digitisation

When I finish an illustration designed for merchandise, I need to use image-editing software to remove the background paper or canvas from vignette illustrations. Although there are a multitude of ways to do this, the methods I found to ensure the best results, are not quick. I find this work exhausting and try to do it straight away and not save it up and spend days digitising multiple artworks. If there is a job in my business I dread, this is it – however, I am always figuring out better ways of doing the work, which brings considerable satisfaction. It is essential to use a tablet (Huion or Wacom) and a stylus or an iPad and pencil. It is simply not possible to do this work with a mouse if you create highly-detailed designs.

On Sunday I will share some more of the ‘many hats’ I don on a daily basis. Today’s blog is the fourth part of a series of mini blogs, which I will post over the coming days.

I would really love to hear about your art business, or your thoughts if you are contemplating becoming a self-employed artist. As always, I am also keen to read any tips you may have.

Until then…


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